
The sun winks at me with a smirk and here I lay in the bed, under the heavy blanket of lifeless life. This smirk no more seems aesthetic. All the clatter clutter of the street drains me more; I decide to reply to that smirk with a grumpy grin. Side effects of adulting were never a part of anyone’s life plans. Isn’t it?  They never were at least not for me. No one wanted to yell at their mums, why would anyone want to be banged with the biting grapevines? No one ever wanted to be encumbered by the limitless assignments, clumsy heartbreaks.

Sneaking back into the moments of the past, I yearn for the confidence I got back then when I was not camera conscious and no matter how unkempt I looked I would pose for a photograph; when my personal life was not showcased on Instagram; when I would cry out loud just to gain my mum’s sympathy and not just sob under the blanket hiding back all the emotions from her. A little sneak peek into your childhood is something we all deserve. Isn’t’ it?

After these 5 minutes of grumbling about life, I grab a cup of coffee, and winking back at the Sun I get up for a kick start, gulping the bitter liquid, reminiscing some sweet memories, and just pretending I  know what I am doing!

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