Least Said, Soonest Mended

When was the last time you had a quarrel with them? Did you try explaining yourself? Or did you just walk away? Did you just let it be? Could you meet them again? Answer honestly, could you? You might not have given even thought about it. Life is going at a pretty fast pace and we headlong into it, living on borrowed time. There’s little time to care about these trivial issues…isn’t it? But lately, this pandemic made me realize that it is these small things that matter…HELL YES, THEY DO! You don’t really want to see them again until you realize you won’t be able to see them again, they won’t be there to pose for a crazy photograph again, they won’t tickle you when you feel gloomy, they won’t fight over trivial things. Believe me, at that time you will miss them the most.

Fights happen every now and then, everyone fights. Who doesn’t? Even the members of an ideal family have tiny grudges, even the perfect couples spend sleepless nights crying.

So what did you achieve? If your answer is calm and composure or maybe if you are able to live cool-headedly after that relationship got over then don’t go back, you had to be here. This was the destination of that relationship and maybe you both wanted to reach here. However if anywhere in the back of your mind you feel wait dude…this is not how it was supposed to happen…maybe …maybe…then unbox further.

“Least said, soonest mended” no doubt. In the heat of the moment, you might spoil everything by revisiting the bad moments. It is better to stay quiet…but remember, don’t let this quietness sprawl across your relationships forever or else you’ll keep running away from every other relationship like it never happened. Stay mum at that time but you must know when to break the deadly silence. Let that silence mend the tattered relations but cut the thread after they are mended. In the cold light of day, both of you will realize that maybe you were both at fault. It’s a novel feeling to get in touch after months of big fights and talk like nothing happened! Trust me it feels rejuvenating.

It’s your last chance to bring them back…if it’s your mom hug her, if it’s your dad say sorry to him, tickle your little sister/brother, express your gratitude towards your grandparents, and if it’s your best friend/ better half then simply say let’s begin where we left dude! I bet you will feel relieved and experience newfound happiness.

If they are worth it just don’t let them go. Hustle damned!

Lastly, I want to rephrase the very topic of this blog- SOONEST SAID, SOONEST MENDED!

Begin Anywhere!

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