Hey! Yes, you gorgeous/handsome! How have you been for so long? How did you cope with all the atrocities of life… you must be tired. That morning glowing face is now all tired but BRAVO you made it till today. YOU MADE IT!
Being a teenager is not a cakewalk. Particularly in the 21st century. You have trillions of emotions crossing the brim of your heart every now and then. We all are just like broken pieces of glass; edged and treacherous. Closely studying the behavior of this generation, one can find myriad beautiful pieces of beads bouncing on the floor of life. Everybody has the same fervor, sentiments but the way these beads reflect life is what makes their study interesting. Some are strong as iron, some are brittle, some are colorful, some are pale, some are shiny, some are rough…no matter which bead you are…bouncing back is important 😉
When ‘The Chainsmokers’ said, “your heart for takeaway” I felt that. Indeed it is. Our inner insecurities destroy our positivism which now wobbles on some other person’s attitude towards us. Teenage is the most vulnerable age for this. Living on others’ expectations is an ignorant act most of us are into. Those who defy this convention turn out to be squeaky clean or people take no notice of your benign presence.
How many times has it happened that you uploaded a pic of yours on social media just because your peers are too tough for a competition and you didn’t want to be any less? How many times have you felt jealous after seeing your mates’ stories? How many times you have gone through anxiety after a fight with your friend over text? Did you ever think that you’re on a particular social media just because of peer pressure? I am pretty sure your answer must be “often”.
Feeling exhausted, appalling is a part of this beautiful journey. My friend, it is a sign that at least you’re making it to this tough journey. But let us sparkle this life.
- 1. Take a break. If you feel intoxicated by the social sites just push them away for some time. You confide in social media to snub the anxiety but you end up feeling more uneasy. Take a hiatus.
- Admire yourself. Do everything to admire your own self. Wear your favorite dresses, listen to “your type of” song, write poems, or do anything which makes you feel yourself.
- Talk to someone. If you are dealing with acute anxiety talk it out to someone close to you. You must let out your feelings. Tell them the way you feel. Just let it all out.